Teacher’s day- Circle of Love

I saw something the other day,Healing-abstract
It made me stop in my sway.
The door was open, I walked in
Not realizing I would behold a vision.

There was my senior professor,
Bent over some old foot on the bed
Carefully paring away a corn
With love, with care.. i understood.

For the old foot was my teacher’s teacher,
Many moons ago, they were younger.
None did realize that what one taught,
N the other imbibed,
Would complete the circle of love
Would complete the cycle of life.

I left quietly.. The scene was too sacred to disturb,
I saw my intern, brow furrowed,
Trying to master the skill,
I had most zealously shared.

And I wondered..
Many moons from now..
Would we complete the circle of love?
Would we complete the cycle of life?