In our first article of the series, we review an app that is taking its baby steps in the field of standard treatment protocols and is bound to be a success
The google play store which houses the app WHO-CC AIIMS describes the app as:
AIIMS WHO CC STP with the help of neonatologists from SEARO region have come out with STP’s for management of sick newborn at small hospitals with limited resources (newborn stabilisation units and first referral units). These are based on current evidence based practices advocated by WHO HQ (Managing newborn problems: a guide for doctors, nurses, and midwives, World Health Organization 2003) and experts’ opinion till date (26th January 2013). (to come in a separate dialog box if possible)
With a file size of just 278 kb, even the slowest of internet connections ensures that it turns out to be a fast download. Furthermore, a doctor doesn’t need to have the fastest or the latest processor to run this app on a smart device
The display program is very interactive. The home page consists of situations which would require rapid assessment and immediate management of emergencies. Apnea, shock, bleeding, seizures, hypoglycemia and hypothermia are the listed options.
Selecting any one of them opens up a popout box which gives on an average about 4-5points of management briefly with another option for selecting “follow STP”
This is where the app really lives up to what it has been created for. They have not tried to give a generalized protocol. They have actually given various situation and circumstances which would enable the practitioner to choose accordingly.
Lets take respiratory distress for example. The popout box apart from giving a list of symptoms and parameters to check also gives the option to select the respiratory rate(<30, 60-90, >90) and also to tick two other options of whether grunting and a Spo2 of less than 90% is present and then appropriately gives the protocol. Quite remarkable and informative.
The information does not just stop at immediate management but the monitoring protocol and subsequent measures to be taken are also given in brief.
To ensure that the physician does not miss out any vital information, a separate tab for History and examination is provided. Maybe to avoid redundancy, they haven’t mentioned the danger signs for each of the condition in this as it is already mentioned under the respective emergency situations. This section mainly concentrates on asking important neonatal and maternal history. A separate tab for definitive management for the above mentioned condition finds a place in the app along with jaundice and sepsis being included in this section.
The trump card is probably the Appendix section. Now this is a minefield of information not only for those at small hospitals but even for an intern or a post graduate at a tertiary care centre. Step wise neonatal resuscitation, IV fluids to be administered, different methods of feeding LBWs in different scenarios and also essential advice to be given at discharge. The beauty again lies in the interactive format and the opportunity it provides to the user to select the appropriate situation.
Just when you think that the app can offer no more, you are in for a surprise as it contains a video appendix as well which contains links to youtube videos on various neonatal devices and how to use and also procedures such as IM injection IV fixation. It is only this section that needs an internet connection . Perhaps tertiary care centres and even small hospitals can consider using the smart device as a patient education tool as this app provides video links regarding expression of milk, Kangaroo mother care, Attachment during feeding which may enhance the understanding and compliance of the patient.
Considering the interactive format it has, the developers can think of including case scenarios as MCQS in form of a self review or assessment which would increase the utility of the app for medical students.
File size:278 kb
Platform: Android
Internet: Not required to view STPs . Required only for download and viewing video links in appendix.
Key features: STPS for emergency conditions in neonates, STPS for Definitive management , Interactive interface,Appendix section.
Price: Free
Google play rating: 5 stars
Screen Shots
- Index Page Preview
- Algorithm for managment
- Easy to use Medical Calculator