Dr. Vaishnavi Chandramohan empathetically portrays the mindset of a child battling cancer in this heartwarming poem

This is my last hospital admission
Then hopefully I’ll be in remission.
Finally we’ll not have to worry,
To go back home, I’m in a hurry.
This has given me so much pain,
It sometimes makes me insane.
I’ve lost my beautiful mane
But cannot afford to feel vain.
Cannot keep track of all the tears,
Or the many many many unspoken fears.
Though enduring this makes me weary,
For my family’s sake , I try to be cheery.
I ask my parents if I will die,
They look at each other and heave a sigh.
I don’t want them to see me cry,
Nor am I ready to see them say goodbye.
Oh Cancer, two can play this game…!
After this my life will never be the same.
I must achieve good name and fame,
While helping the blind, deaf and lame.
I live as if this is my last day,
You should do the same, I say.
To all the people I see on my way,
And this philosophy is here to stay.
Dr. Vaishanavi Chandramohan- Consultant : Paediatrics & Infectious diseases, Bangalore
Art work: Nirosha Shanmugam- Final Year MBBS student